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Attention! 2025! China will fully realize intelligent mining of coal mines

Date:2019.07.10 Size

In recent years, a new upsurge in the intelligent construction of coal mines is emerging across the country, and the enthusiasm of enterprises has risen unprecedentedly. The intelligentization of coal mines is a new stage in the revolution of coal production methods and the only way for development.

Intelligent unmanned coal mining is a "coal dream" that can enable coal workers to work more decently and with dignity, and also make coal a career that young people love.

Regarding how technological innovation supports the high-quality development of the coal industry, Wang Guofa, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and chief scientist of the China Coal Science and Industry Corporation, pointed out that at present, a consensus has been reached with the coal industry associations and coal companies-intelligent coal mines Core technical support.

After more than 40 years of reform and opening up, China's coal industry has made tremendous progress. From the initial manual coal mining, it has gradually developed to semi-mechanized, mechanized, comprehensive mechanized, and then to the current intelligent mining.

At present, China is still in the initial stage of intelligent coal mines. There are problems such as technological research and development, technical support lagging behind corporate development needs, lack of technical standards and specifications for intelligent construction, insufficient technical equipment support, inadequate research and development platforms, and lack of high-end talents. How to increase the intelligent development of coal mines is a problem that governments and enterprises have been thinking about.

First of all, we must clarify some basic concepts of coal mine intelligence. Coal mine intelligence refers to the basic capabilities of self-perception, self-learning, self-decision, and self-implementation in major systems such as development design, geological survey, mining, transportation, washing, security, and production management.

Phase goals of intelligent development of coal mines

In 2021, 100 intelligent demonstration mines will be built, and a digital transmission and automatic operation technology system for the main links of coal mine development design, geological security, production, and safety will be initially formed. Little or no operation, unattended and remote monitoring of fixed positions.

In 2025, large-scale coal mines will be basically intelligentized, forming a technical specification and standard system for intelligent construction of coal mines, realizing intelligent decision-making and automated collaborative operation of systems such as development design, geological security, mining and transportation, washing and logistics, and robotic operations in key posts in underground To promote the high-quality development of the coal industry.

In 2035, fully realize the intelligent mining of coal mines, build a multi-industry chain, multi-system integration of coal mine intelligent systems, build a smart coal mine system with intelligent perception, intelligent decision-making, and automatic execution, and realize the green, clean and sustainable development of the coal mine industry.

On the whole, accelerating the intelligent construction of coal mines requires efforts to develop key technologies. It is necessary to carry out overall planning for complex systems of smart coal mines and build a comprehensive management and control platform to achieve comprehensive standardization of data, unified storage and real-time transmission of data, and analysis of big data.

A map system (4D-GIS) for dynamic management of geological and mine excavator transport information has been gradually established, combining three-dimensional graphic display with time dynamic information to dynamically reflect the entire mine information.

Continue to improve the intelligent rapid tunneling system, improve the technology mode of the tunneling process, overcome key technical problems such as rapid support, autonomous continuous tunneling, and explore the realization of supporting equipment automation and intelligent, integrated tunneling mode, and build an intelligent rapid coal mine for different coal seam conditions. Tunneling technology and equipment system.

In addition, it is also necessary to accelerate the development and application of intelligent unmanned working surface collaborative control systems, intelligent transportation management systems, underground coal mine environment perception and safety management and control systems, and unmanned systems in fixed places.

We should clearly see that there are two wrong tendencies in the current intelligent coal mines, namely the abuse of intelligent concept modification and the denial of rigid coal mine technology advancements, which are both one-sided and undesirable.

To ensure the intelligent development of coal mines, the government should play a major role. To increase financial policy support, priority can be given to the capacity increase of intelligent mines that have passed inspection and acceptance, and the first (set) technical equipment encouragement policy should be implemented.

At the same time, in response to the main problem of lack of technical talents, speed up the cultivation of intelligent personnel in coal mines, improve their intellectual security capabilities, encourage enterprises to cultivate and introduce high-end composite talents, encourage institutions of higher learning to build disciplines related to intelligent coal mines, and carry out school-enterprise cooperative innovation Intelligent talent training model in coal mines.
